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Endive | Curly | Green
CIGAL RZ product photo view-3 L
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CIGAL RZ product photo view-2 L
CIGAL RZ product photo view-3 L
CIGAL RZ product photo front L
CIGAL RZ product photo front S
CIGAL RZ product photo view-2 S
CIGAL RZ product photo view-3 S
  • Tolerant to hot and cold conditions
  • Nice leaf structure
  • Versatile
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Cigal RZ F1 is a curly green endive of the l’été coeur jaune type. This short frisée has a yellow heart and dark outer leaves that are finely incised but not coarse. It has a good base and structure. Cigal RZ F1 is well-filled and high-yielding making it suitable for the fresh, fresh-cut and processing markets. The plants are compact and very resistant to tip burn, plus they do not bolt in hot or cold conditions.