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Cabbage | White
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo front L
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo view-2 L
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo front L
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo front S
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo view-2 S
PICCOLIMA RZ F1 product photo view-3 S
  • Specialty product within the cabbisi™ marketing concept
  • Unique in size, freshness and flavour
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Variety name
Leaf colour
Fresh green
Long description

Piccolima RZ F1 is a mini pointed variety with fresh green colour, smooth wrapper leaves with a weight range of 150 to 350 g. It is part of the cabbisi™ marketing concept: an innovation in the salad category. As well as its appealing presentation, it has a unique nutrient profile and a crisp, mild flavour.

Piccolima RZ F1 is very suitable for high-density cultivation, easy to harvest, cut and clean.