Watermelon | Black | Sugar Baby | Micro Seeded
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo front L
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo view-2 L
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo front L
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo front S
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo view-2 S
CONGUITA RZ F1 product photo view-3 S
  • Small, personal-size watermelon
  • Micro-seeded
  • Attractive on-shelf appearance
  • Dual-purpose variety that can also be used as a polliniser
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Variety name
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Long description

Conguita RZ F1 is a small-sized, microseeded black (sugar baby) type watermelon. It has a uniform, slightly oval shape. Weighing 2-3 kg, this personal-size watermelon has an attractive on-shelf appearance. The deep red flesh is firm and contains microseeds. The variety is strong and has an excellent fruit setting.

Conguita RZ F1 can also be used as a polliniser to improve the productivity of seedless varieties. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.