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Cauliflower | White
SIERRA MADRE RZ F1 product photo view-2 L
SIERRA MADRE RZ F1 product photo front L
SIERRA MADRE RZ F1 product photo view-2 L
SIERRA MADRE RZ F1 product photo front L
SIERRA MADRE RZ F1 product photo front S
SIERRA MADRE RZ F1 product photo view-2 S
  • Good-quality florets keep the waste low when processed
  • Very dense and white head
  • Head quality remains good in warm conditions
  • Strong self-cover
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Sierra Madre RZ F1 is a white cauliflower for both the fresh market and the processing industry. It has very white and dense heads with visual appeal for the fresh market. Meanwhile, its nice white florets keep the amount of waste low when processed. Sierra Madre RZ F1 has a very good self-cover.

The plants show good vigour and are strong in warm conditions. This variety takes 70-75 days to mature in summer and 85-100 days in autumn.