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Lettuce | Gem | Green
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-5 L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo front L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-2 L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-3 L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-4 L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-5 L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo front L
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo front S
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-2 S
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-3 S
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-4 S
ARCHIVEL RZ product photo view-5 S

• Very slow bolting
• Suitable for hydroponicsg

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Long description

Archivel RZ is a very slow-bolting green little gem lettuce that keeps its head intact even during the longest days. Archivel RZ is a very good variety for hydroponic systems.